intraoralMP Orthdodontics is on the cutting edge of orthodontic technology, providing our patients with advanced services that improve their treatment and further their treatment results. Our intraoral scanner allows us to quickly record images of our patients’ teeth and jaw. In many cases, we utilize the intraoral scanner instead of using messy materials to make old-fashioned impressions.

In the past, taking impressions of your smile meant you had to bite into a goopy mold so that orthodontists could use that impression of your teeth to create braces and other appliances. Today, we can use a digital scanner that scans your teeth and gums to create a digital impression. This means that many patients do not need undergo the old-fashioned process.

Another fantastic result of using the intraoral scanner is that it means less time in the dental chair! We can scan your smile quickly, capturing highly accurate images of your teeth and surrounding structures that we will use to create your customized orthodontic appliance. By ensuring that your digital impression is highly accurate, we eliminate the risk of ill-fitting appliances, such as Invisalign® and retainers, and allow your orthodontic treatment to progress steadily and smoothly.

We welcome you to contact our office today to learn more about our intraoral scanner in Plano and Anna, Texas, and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mark Padilla.